Sunday, June 6, 2010

Six of One...

What does the number six bring to mind?

It's a half dozen. If you are looking at yogurt containers, 6 oz is the new 8. If we are of the same cohort group, then six might mean Public School graduation. Or it could be the number of cup cakes that come in a package. Add ten and it's your Sweet Sixteen. In Spiritual matters the number six deals with enlightenment; specifically "lighting" our path in areas we require spiritual and mental balance." according to What's You

Today the number six took on new meaning for me. It now represents the number of inches of the bolt removed FROM MY BRAND NEW REAR TIRE this morning. The tire technician was so impressed he brought in the tire with the bolt still stuck in it, put it on the counter and said, "you didn't feel this?" We asked if we could keep the bolt as a souvenir. He gave us our bolt after it made the rounds in the tire department. What a way to start the day!

Now I want to design a piece of jewelry around the bolt. Any suggestions?

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