Saturday, December 19, 2009

Etsy-Bitsy-Spider Climbed up the Snow Mount

I went to Fairway this was the RUSH!!!!!!!!!!! before the big storm.

I waited 10 mins just to get a parking spot. True to form people were buying milk, toilet paper, and chicken. I was buying a gift basket. Like d-uh! I let Fresh Direct deliver my emergency supplies-diet soda, beans and chicken. At 12 noon, Fairway still had rocksalt. What does that tell you about Brooklynites?

We all live in apartments.

I spent the afternoon and evening setting up my Etsy account. Now drilbu designs has a virtual store front. Go, spend money on (my) jewelry. If you buy a daisy, I will donate money to a foundation that supports health care access to women.

See it's not about me, all the time. I do make some exceptions.

The snow is finally falling, tomorrow we will wake up to a foot of the white stuff.

I have coffee, diet soda and my emergency container of coffee mate non dairy creamer and a new bag of kitty litter for the cat box.

Hey Yo!
Bring on the snow...
I can't believe I was sitting on a beach in 87 degree weather last week.

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